The Gluten Bigot: Gluten Free Comfort Food | Baked Potato

Friday, January 25, 2013

Gluten Free Comfort Food | Baked Potato

There is probably no easier meal than a baked potato, which is why it's one of my favorite take-alongs to work as well as for an easy to make dinner. 

Of course, baking a potato is simple, so why is this potato special? It's special because of the toppings of course. This is a hearty vegan/clean diet/detox friendly baked potato full of protein and good fats. Of course, potatoes are full of potassium. If you use a sweet potato extra bonus points.

Since butter was not an option on my detox (or if you're vegan), the first thing I topped it with was butter bean dip. This provided nice creamy flavor and texture, as well as much needed protein. Then I topped with a guacamole type topping. It consisted of:

  • 1/2 ripe avacado
  • 2 slices medium onion diced
  • cilanto, salt, and pepper to taste
  • about 2 tbsp of lemon juice
To create my guacamole-ish topping I just mashed those items together and put on top of the potato. As I side I had carrots and celery as pictured. This could also be a nice side dish for a chicken or beef main if you're looking for a more substantial meal.

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