How far along? 21 weeks / 22 when this posts!
Total weight gain: It looks like I have gained 1 more pound in the past two weeks.
Maternity clothes? Yes, especially since my sister handed down a whole bunch to me! I'm wearing the odd size up top or really lose ones I already had too, however with my growing bump, I find the maternity ones to be most flattering although still looser than intended in the tummy area.
Stretch marks? Nope!
Sleep: Good this week, other than being West Coast but living on East Coast time - my alarm went of at 4:45am PDT everyday!
Best moment this week: A few! First, meeting my new niece! Baby smiles are the best - and I got some awesome ones and quite a few good cuddles in with both my nieces! Getting to spend time with my family and friends in general was awesome. My mom also got to feel Bricklet kicking and I'm very glad she got to! My hair has been in dire need of some love and I haven't had time to sort it out so I also seize the opportunity for my awesome Vancouver stylist, Chelsey, to freshen up my ombre and give me a much needed cut! Yay or healthy hair!
Miss anything? Not really this week.
Movement: Yes, lots! As mentioned, my mom was able to feel it. Just a few minutes ago I was getting some really hard kicks! I have my husband trying often, he says he's not sure if he's feeling anything (hard kicks are still very light from the outside).
Food cravings: I had the biggest sugar tooth this week and since I was home obliged it probably more than intended!
Anything making you queasy or sick: I bit into a cranberry and almost was sick. Still with my food aversions although I have been able to have a better variety.
Gender: We actually found out at 11 weeks which is very early, confirmed at 16 and again at 20. We are very excited to be having a boy! No names yet, but we do know he will dress really cool and have a fauxhawk.
Labor signs: Nope!
Symptoms: Food aversions, still a bit of acne which had almost gone away but flared up (I blame not having all my usual products - I use a lot of things else days!), and a bit of acid reflux.
Belly button in or out? In!
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Happy or moody most of the time: Generally happy but defo had my moody moments as usual!
What are you looking forward to? Putting Bricklet into the adorable outfits my family gave him!
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