This week is crazy, last week was crazy, you know those bouts in your life where things are just a much to come home and sort out a proper meal for yourself. Sometimes on days like these I allow my husband to twist my rubber arm and order a delivery (perk of living in Manhattan). My preference is to make something myself as eating out/deliveries can be a bit much in itself. If it's a truly lazy meal I don't even go to my freezer for my pre-made heat and eat meals, just my pantry where I will open a can of soup and make a toasted sandwich.
Sometimes the sandwich is a standard grilled cheese. More often I simply add some deli meat, some spinach, and maybe a few slices of onion. I toast the sandwich in a pan, which is quite addictive once you start doing it, because it makes for a nice hot sandwich. Plus, gluten free bread is better toasted and the last thing you need after a long day is bad bread. For the soup, I grab whatever is in my pantry. I have a few favorites which I like to keep at least one or two cans/containers of. The soup pictured is on of my staples: Gluten Free Cafe's chicken noodle soup. It was quite nice and has actual chunks of chicken in it. Funny enough I dislike the chicken and always put all the chunks into my husband's.
What's your favorite gluten free soup you buy ready made?
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