Six weeks post-partum I am one pound off of my pre-pregnancy weight (yay!), but in no way near my pre-pregnancy shape. Extra inches are loitering on my hips/thighs/tummy - not cool! I don't want to feel bad about it and complain and not do anything about it, so I decided to do something about it. So I'm starting Operation MILF.
I want to be healthy not only for me, but to set a good example for my son, but also for my husband who did not marry a slightly pudgy frumpy lady (no, he has not said this, and has been very complimentary of my post-baby body, and in fairness I have always worn leggings an awful lot, just not daily). And did I mention I had a respectable (and not inexpensive) wardrobe I would like to fit into again.
Armed with clearance from my doctor to resume exercise, I'm excited to resume an active lifestyle beyond walking, and to tone my body. I'm settling into life with my new one and figuring out how to mind the baby and return to doing my own meal preparation the majority of the time (when the baby is not sleeping in the kitchen - he loves that fan!).
To keep accountable, and for anyone else who's trying to get back to normal post-pregnancy / post-c section, I'm blogging about it! I will do my best with posts, photos, etc, apologies in advance if I fall off the wagon - a good amount of time I am working from my phone while feeding the little one! And I still have a return to work and a move which will make me have to recalibrate everything again in a few weeks.
If you're working on getting your pre-pregnancy body back post-pregnancy, or if you already have, tell me about it in the comments!
Wish me luck!
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