The Gluten Bigot: 4 Years Later...

Thursday, August 20, 2015

4 Years Later...

Life has been so busy lately that my fourth New York-iversary passed without me even noticing until two days later. It's crazy how fast life moves here. Since moving here we've traveled the world, acquired a habit of eating in michelin star restaurants, gained an appreciation of opera and ballet, met some really awesome people, grown in our career, and I think eaten everywhere that has a gluten free menu. 

While we have less social ties here than our home cities, New York really feels like home. I love being on my island - I love the takeaways, the events, and that Bricklet is growing up with a normal meter completely different from mine (his favorite spot in the apartment is sitting on the sill of the floor to ceiling windows - we live on a high floor). I love that people here are just trying to get from point a to point b and get their ish done, because I'm trying to do the exact same thing. 

I questioned if I would want to go to the burbs /boroughs when Bricklet came along, but Manhattan is a great place to have a kid. And now that he's a toddler there is so much for him to enjoy. In general I question of the city (and lack of space) has a shelf life for me. I'm sure it does, but we are happy enough that we're at the point that we are looking to become homeowners next year. 

While there are other places that we'd like to live, and we now daydream of retiring in Las Vegas, I'm so happy that circumstance brought us here and that it's continued to work out that we live in this amazing city.

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