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To juxtapose last week's bumpshot, this week's was taken in NYC, it's late and I'm cold! I also sunburned my belly, which accounts for the splotchiness. |
Total weight gain: Once again did not weight myself this week.
Maternity clothes? Yes!
Stretch marks? Nope!
Sleep: At the start of the week terrible - midway through it got significantly better. Although I am having to get up once a night now which is new for me.
Best moment this week: Can I say the whole thing? My husband and I enjoyed babymoon # 2 in Cancun, and it was such an amazing week. We relaxed and just got to hang out, which it feels like we don't get to do often enough with travel schedules and our 'to do' lists. Also, we got the first 'big' thing for Bricklet - a pack and play which will also be his bed for the few couple of months (Manhattan apartments require everything to be multi-use); it was a spontaneous decision to buy it now, I was planning to start purchasing in January, however there was an excellent sale I could not refuse! Plus side - it wasn't in stock on Amazon, so hopefully it will be out until late December/early January anyway!
Miss anything? My flat stomach! It was my first sun holiday that I was not concerned with working out prior at least haha.
Movement: Lots! Rolls, hiccups, jabs, Bricklet does it all. Sometimes I describe it as hi being 'creepy' where it feels like he's crawling around.
Food cravings: No cravings really, other than carbs (a typical craving for me when I travel since GF options don't always include bread/pasta).
Anything making you queasy or sick: A few boughts of nausea this week - one which I think was due to overeating (I do love tacos!)
Gender: Still a boy as far as we know :)
Labor signs: Nope!
Symptoms: My usual suspects of course (nausea, acid reflex). Also noticed my balance and joint stability are definitely off, I managed to fall down and hurt my ankle :( Also, with becoming quite front heavy, I have been getting a lot of soreness in my back.
Belly button in or out? Still hanging in there!
Wedding rings on or off? I had a lot of swelling thanks to the heat and humity of Cancun. Rings are still officially on, but I did opt of wearing them several days just as a precaution.
Happy or moody most of the time: Very happy! This was one of the best weeks I have had in a long time, and I cannot actually imagine feeling happier than at this moment in time.
What are you looking forward to? The last business trip, and taking advantage of the location to meet up with some friends! I am also looking forward to having a couple of weeks at home (NYC home)!
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